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Deep impacts about deep sleep | Stephanie Huwiler | TEDxHWZ

Dive into the fascinating topic of deep sleep and its significant impact on cardiovascular health an ...View More

How Mental Fitness can save us and the planet | Mark Luckey | TEDxPune

Are you curious about how a CIO, karate champion, and tech outsourcing veteran can unlock the secret ...View More

Cher's Full Interview on the 'Ellen' Show

[Aired: September 7, 2016] The iconic Cher talks fitness, butt exercises, career advice, and her rol ...View More

Climate change and Human Health | Dr Shalabh Gupta | TEDxKavi Nagar

Climate change has created a huge impact on human health by environmental degradation, creating more ...View More

The Monalisa: But It's Basketball | Omair Muhammad | TEDxHappiness Street

A para basketball player's incredible journey of resilience. Omair Muhammad reflects on how he trium ...View More

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